Piosenki z j. angielskiego



This is a little table,

nice and clean, nice and clean!

Here are some chairs!

How many chairs?

How many chairs can you see?

Get some cups, get some plates,

find some forks and spoons!

Brind some lovely flowers!

Bring a jug od juice!

Cups and plates,

forks and spoons.

Lovely flowers,

a jug of juice!

Are you hungry,children?

Yes,we are!

OK! Let’s have a breakfast.



Don’t forget to wash your hands!



I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Mummy?
Bread and jam, Honey! Yummy! I like bread and jam, Mummy!
I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Mummy?
Bread and cheese, Honey!
Yummy! I like bread and cheese, Mummy!
I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Mummy?
Cornflakes and milk, Honey!
Yummy! I like cornflakes and milk, Mummy!
I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Mummy?
Bread and eggs, Honey!
Yummy! I like bread and eggs, Mummy!
I’m hungry! What’s for breakfast, Mummy?
Bread and honey, Hone!
Yummy! I like bread and honey, Mummy!


Piosenka na powitanie

Hello! Hello!
It’s a lovely day.
Welcome to the pet shop,
Come in and play!


Piosenka na pożegnie

Bye-bye for now,
See you soon.
Come back again
To our classroom.



Jeżeli zastanawiasz się nad zapisaniem swojego dziecka do Przedszkola i nie jesteś pewna, które wybrać, to może pomoże Tobie nasz artykuł na temat różnic pomiędzy przedszkolem prywatnym, a przedszkolem publicznym:

Czym rożni się przedszkole publiczne od prywatnego?


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